Week Commencing 28.11.16

Lesson One (Ms Rose) – Correlations 3.2.3

Image result for muppet showEven a Muppet loves a correlation!

I shall be giving you 1:1 feedback on your end of Biopsychology unit test in the coming lessons, once everyone in the cohort has completed it.  Hang fire!

Fozzy bear taught us about correlation today.  Here is the powerpoint. fozzy-on-facebook-correlation-002

We consolidated this by answering the questions on p56-57 in the research methods workbook.

Prep– Read ahead.  Make sure that you have looked at the appropriate section of the Mark research methods so that you have a good grasp of the key concepts of correlation. Due 30.11.16

Lesson Two (Ms Rose) – Conducting your own Correlation.  Link to spec – 3.2.3

Correlation starter understanding check fozzy-on-facebook-correlation-002

You then worked through your Research methods workbook p56-62 to conduct your own correlation.  Here are the class results. correlation-results-2016 You will need to draw these into a scatter-gram.

Meanwhile, I went through your tests and gave you some 1:1 feedback. Please take some time to correct your answers and have a go at improving them to see where you dropped marks.

Here is the Question paper: biopsychology-end-of-unit-test

Here is the Mark scheme: biopsychology-end-of-unit-test-markscheme  (NB Apologies for my scribbled notes – although they may be of use to you too)


 I shall be collecting in your Research Methods Workbooks and checking your correlation is complete on  7.12.16 

Lesson Two (Miss Burns) – Explanations for forgetting 2.2.4

In today’s lesson we began a new topic of forgetting

We discussed the following:

  • What forgetting is
  • Explanations for forgetting;
    • Interference – proactive and retroactive interference
    • Cue dependent forgetting – context dependent failure and state dependent failure
  • How cue dependent forgetting is used by the police
  • Repression as a form of forgetting

Prep: Make notes on trace decay and displacement theory – both of which are on page 81 (Chapter 2.4) in the black mask textbook. Also make notes on ‘forgetting’ to add to the notes you made in class. This should be done by 9th December.


Lesson Three (Miss Burns) – Schemas and eyewitness testimony (EWT) 2.2.5

We began today’s lesson by completing a word puzzle based on the key terms we learned from the last lesson (Here is a blank version of the puzzle if you wish to complete it again for revision purposes crossword-blank)

We recapped the influence of schema’s on our memory. We revisited on a study we already knew and were introduced to another study. These were Bartlett and then Brewer and Trewins.

We were then introduced to eyewitness testimony (EWT). Here is a really good video to watch which illustrates that witnessing an event and recalling an event (what an EWT is) is not as easy as you may think https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubNF9QNEQLA

We looked at the impact schemas can have on memory, specifically the memory of an EWT. Please ensure you are familiar with this before next lesson

Power point used in lesson>>ewtschema


Ms Alexander says ……

Want to really ‘get’ WMM? Check this out  or watch this clip by Alan Baddeley on the development of the working memory model  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mT0NLihOK30

Additionally print this out for your file >>>working-memory-summary don’t forget to read it 🙂

In my Friday lesson this week we revisited the WMM, the importance of finding evidence to back up each part of the WMM and the importance of case studies. >>> case-studies-to-understand-memory-blog-1

Checking your own progress

Now is the time to reflect on your progress so far in psychology. Consider what is going well.

                 What else you could you be doing to improve your performance?

I would like you all to hand me a copy of your 3 development targets by Friday 2nd December. Ensure your targets are SMART ones: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timed. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  •  Team up with a ‘study buddy’ and meet regularly to help each other. Be specific when this will be and what you will do in your sessions.
  • Create a study timetable and allow at least four to five hours a week for studying Psychology outside lessons. (e.g. you could produce your study timetable by 30th November and monitor it weekly).
  • Organise your notes into sections in a lever arch file by 30th November.
  • Make at least one sensible contribution in each lesson.
  • Complete summaries for each key study. These could be in the form of revision cards for each aspect of the study: aim, sample, method(s), procedure, results, and conclusions.
  • Complete summary evaluation sheets for each key study…. ‘GRAVE’
  • Complete summary evaluation sheets for each main theory…. ‘CASTLES’
  • Consider the 2 psychological approaches we have covered so far, list at least two strengths and two weaknesses of each approach. Make sure you can think of an example to illustrate each point you make.
  • Set aside a time to use the psychology blog every week (e.g. 30 minutes). Go through power points again at your own pace.
  • Spend an evening with friends watching the films I have recommended – ’12 Angry men’, ‘Momento’, ‘Five steps to tyranny’, ‘Suffragettes’, ‘Inside out’.
  • Test yourself every week using the multiple choice questions in the digital text book.
  • Regularly read through your preferred textbook. Do about twenty pages a week. Try to answer all the questions. If you are not sure…..….ask.
  • Make your own summary cards of the strengths and weaknesses of the different methods used in psychology.
  • Check your notes are up to date. Work with a friend to fill in any gaps.
  • Spend an hour in the library each term reading the latest ‘the psychology review magasine’.
  • Read a book from the book suggestions (blog 1) and keep a record of it in your reading log.


Dynamic Learning Tests

I have been collecting grades from the Dynamic Learning tests I have set. If you have not looked at Dynamic Learning recently please do so ASAP.

I have set tests on the following topic areas:

  • Experimental Methods  (deadline passed)
  • Data handling (deadline passed)
  • Cognitive Approach (due 2nd Dec)
  • The Multi Store Model of Memory (due 2nd Dec)
  • Types of LTM (due 2nd Dec)
  • The working memory model (due 9th Dec) <<<<< I have just set one today on the WMM

Remember  you are required to read the relevant section of the text book before attempting the test. If you guess the answers it is obvious – because you end up with scores lower than 80%.

If you do get less than 80% the test will be reassigned because I will do this when I collect the scores.

If you failed to complete the experimental and data handling tests by the deadlines I have reassigned the tests to you. If you have not completed the Experimental and Data handling tests by Monday 28th November I will issue a focus points for each test that is missing.

If you want a test reassigned as you think you can do better – ask me and I will do it 🙂

Finally – from now on if I have to reassign a test to you because you miss the deadline I will automatically reassign it and you will automatically get a focus point 😦

week Commencing 21.11.16

Lesson One (Ms Rose) – Student Presentations on the Psychological research.

I gave you back your practice exam questions from last week.  Here is the mark scheme.  Improve your answers and resubmit.  http://filestore.aqa.org.uk/resources/psychology/AQA-71812-SMS-2ND-SET.PDF

Very well done for all those that presented today.  The quality of your teaching is excellent!  Here is a study summary template for you to complete. research-study-summary-template-2016

Here are your wonderful presentations used.






End of Unit test on Wednesday.  Any questions, don’t hesitate to email me.


  • Continue to revise.  Remember that the Green haired Girl textbook has some awesome resources attached to it. Due Wednesday 23.11.16


Lesson Two – Ms Rose – Biopsychology end of unit test

Remember Yerkes Dodsons inverted U.  Use positive psychology and mindfulness to help you achieve in Psychology.Image result for yerkes dodson inverted stress

Today we sat an end of unit test.  If you were not in lesson today, you will need to arrange an alternative time to sit this paper.


  • Use the AQA specification to help you to organize the BioPsychology section of your notes.  I shall be inspecting your files in class on 7.12.16


Lesson 1  – Ms Alexander

This lesson was an introduction to the Working Memory Model wmm-ppt-1  You should have already read and made notes about the model so we can race through the content 🙂  Today we looked at the CE and PL and VSS.

Prep: Research where in the brain are the LTM and STM are located. Draw and label a picture of the brain. Add this to your LTM map ltm-mm. Due next Monday 28th Nov

Lesson 2  -Ms Alexander

After recapping the WMM you then made your own cut and stick model for your notes – we completed a fill in the gap for some AO1 descriptive information. You also have an experiment to read through for next lesson. It is quite complex so ensure you read it before coming to class.

Prep: Find out about KF. Who studied KF? What was special about his memory? How did this help Baddeley come up with the WMM of memory?

Lesson 3 Ms Alexander

Today we evaluated the working memory model of memory. evaluation-of-working-memory-model

We thought once again about the criteria we use when evaluating -remember to use CASTLES for a theory.

We need to ask questions about the quality of the theory. Is it credible? Is it plausible? Is it influential? Is it limited in any way? Is it well supported? Is it refuted or contradicted? What evidence can we use to support our claim?

When writing a 12 mark answer:

  1. First think about gaining 6 marks from your description of the theory. If the topic is MEMORY describe the components, mention key descriptors like capacity, duration and encoding.  Can you mention the names of any researchers? Can you describe any processes? Aim to describe 6 different things for 6 marks.
  2. Second – when evaluating the theory decide on 3 key things you want to say. Each of these ‘things’ will be in separate paragraphs. State what your claim is. Then try to prove what you are saying with some evidence. Finally explain what difference this makes to the theory.

e.g. A weakness of the Multi Store Model of memory is that it can only provide a limited explanation of STM because it describes STM as a single unitary store.The case study of KF by Shallice and Warrington (1970) demonstrated that KF could hold information in  his STM if it was presented visually, but he was unable to hold the same information in his STM if it was read aloud to him. This suggests there must be at least 2 separate components in STM. This evidence suggests that the MSM model is an incomplete model.

Prep: Due to be handed in Friday 2nd December

Describe and Evaluate the Working Memory Model (12)



Prep for 14th-18th Nov 2016

Ms Rose’ Prep

  • Continue to prepare for your presentation due 21/11/16.
  • Prepare for the Biopsychology end of unit test. Due 23/11/16.
  • Complete the biological approach online dynamic learning assignments. Due 21/11/16
  • Complete the Sleep diary every day this week sleep-diary-correlationDue 23.11.16
  • Prepare your files for a biopsychology file inspection.  Due 7.12.16

Ms Burns’ Prep

Outline and evaluate the multi-store model of memory (12 marks)

Due: 22nd November


Ms Alexander’s Prep

  • Complete the MSM activities started in lesson
  • Read ahead – the Working Memory Model is coming up on Monday
  • WMM
  • Make sure your notes and folder are ready to hand in for inspection on Tuesday

Folder checking alert!!!


I will be taking in your Cognitive approach/memory notes for checking next Tuesday 22nd November. I am checking to ensure you are making notes on the key concepts out of lessons, and I am checking your general organisation.

Please bring your folder to the lesson …………… or risk a focus point  witch

If you need help organising your file please come along to the psychology support clinic Monday-Thursday lunchtimes





Week commencing 14/11/16

Lesson One – (Ms Rose) – The biological approach 3.2.1

We began with 6 marks of past paper questions for Ao1. Here is the mark scheme for the 4 mark question. Improve your answers once they have been returned. http://filestore.aqa.org.uk/resources/psychology/AQA-71812-SMS-2ND-SET.PDF

We then played a looping definitions game to help you to grasp some of the key vocabulary for the biological approach.

Nature vs nurture washing line, discussing aspects of the biological approach.

Plan 12 marker. Outline and evaluate the biological approach.


Continue to prepare for your presentation due either 16/11/16 or 21/11/16.

continue to prepare for the Biopsychology end of unit test. Due 23/11/16.

Complete the biological approach online dynamic learning assignment. Due 21/11/16


Lesson Two (Ms Rose) – Studying the research Biopsychology

Sleep Diary – Please complete this and bring it with you to the lesson on 23.11.16 sleep-diary-correlation

I hope that you find the bio-psychology revision materials helpful.For those of you who would like to purchase an excellent revision guide, here are the details. Image result for green hair girl revision psychology

Thanks to all those who did their presentations today.  I shall put copies of them up onto the blog as they arrive.  Here are the study summary sheets.  Feel free to use them to write up all of your notes in preparation for revision. research-study-summary-template-2016

Remember to APRC – here is a poster if you want a little reminder aprc-poster


  • Complete the Sleep diary every day this week sleep-diary-correlationDue 23.11.16
  • Continue to revise for the End of Unit Test on Biopsychology.  Due 23.11.16
  • Complete the End of Biopsychology Unit assessment on Dynamic learning to help you with your ongoing revision.  Due 23.11.16
  • Prepare your files for a biopsychology file inspection.  Due 7.12.16


Lesson One– (Miss Burns) – Evaluation of the Multi-store model – 14/11/2016

In today’s lesson we evaluated the multi-store model of memory using:

  • Serial position effect studies (Including Murdock 1962, Glanzer and Cunitz 1966)
  • Studies of brain damaged patients (Including Clive Wearing and HM)

We finished the class by attempting an exam style 4 mark question.

Powerpoint>>> bigsmsm-evaluation-apk2


Lesson Two– (Miss Burns) – Building our own multi-store models of memory 15/11/2016

We began today’s lesson by attempting a 4 mark question evaluating the Multi-store model of memory.

We then made our own multi-store models of memory using boxes. On each store we wrote the encoding, capacity and duration of each store. This visual image hopefully will have deepened your understanding of the model!

**Your prep is outlined on the last slide of the powerpoint. This prep is due 22nd November.**

Powerpoint>>> box-lesson-apk3-smalls

Lesson 3  – (Ms Alexander)        

This was a consolidation lesson. You completed a variety of different activities to really ensure you had a sound grasp of the Multi Store Model of Memory. This included a 6 mark examination question on LTM.

We started by considering the Learning Cycle learning-circle-poster-before-pdf. We know that there are lots of demands on your time and that you are all working hard to meet the needs of various subjects. HOWEVER psychology is a new subject to all of you and therefore requires MORE time. If you are not fully engaged in the learning cycle your grades will continue to be at, or even below the minimum we would expect for you based on previous GCSE performance. You will find it impossible to move to the next grade level. The demand s of ‘A’ level are far greater than those of GCSE. By now you should be aware of the amount you need to learn in psychology. Pre and Post lesson effort is essential for success in this subject.

To access the Green haired girl digital text book click on the following link or paste into your browser: www.illuminate.digital/aqapsych1


  • Complete the activities started in lesson
  • Read ahead – the Working Memory Model is coming up next.
  • Make sure your notes and folder are ready to hand in for inspection on Tuesday