Book return :)

book-title-of-psychology-isolated-on-a-wooden-table-over-dark-background-illustration_csp24320122d enBy the end of this week most of you will no longer need your A level Psychology books (especially the ones you have borrowed from the dept.)


Please will you come and say good bye and return any books you no longer require  at the same time.

Good luck with Paper 3  – you are on the home stretch – just hang in there a bit longer …it’s nearly over 🙂


Paper 1 done Paper 2 here we come ….


Tutor2U have made a cluster of resources to spur you on for Paper 2 – see link above.

I have had a look at Paper 1 and it seemed very reasonable 🙂   Well done everyone you are 1/3 of the way through now.

Watch out for the cognitive loading of questions – like the ones that say “explain this …. in terms of this …..”

The one I spotted on the paper was ” Outline what is meant by ‘agentic state’ as an explanation for obedience”.  It was only worth 2 marks if you failed to notice the second part of the question.

Make sure you look out for these types of question on paper 2 🙂









Thursday farewell gathering period 3 Psych class room – come along and share food

IMG_0511Well, we’ve come to the end of this part of the journey. Time to bid each other a fond farewell.

I am assuming there won’t be many students present in lesson 1 – so all you period 1 lot…come and join the period 3 lot for a farewell gathering.

Bring along a nibble to share – bring yourself a drink (non alcoholic of course) and we will cheer with water and eat sugary confectionary – what could be better than that 🙂

I love you guys and I am gonna miss you 🙂

pineapple fruit
Photo by Pineapple Supply Co. on

Ms Alexander WB 21st May 2018

have a nice day 1Well here we are the final week – you are all continuing to revise …….. it will be over soon enough ……. but for the time being just keep going.  I am genuinely so impressed with all of you. When I ask about your revision you all seem to be well organised and working in many different creative ways. This week I am allowing you to use my lessons for your own revision. I am here for support, direction, inspiration, advice and resources if you need anything. Do come and speak to me if you have any areas of confusion.

BTW…have you seen the Simply psych website? It has been revamped for the new Linear A level …see below the section on attachment 🙂

Are you using the tutor2U revision webinars? – they are easily available on you tube.

If there is anything else you have found that is really helping you, please let me know so that I can share it with other students.


Ms Rose – Week Commencing 21.05.18

Lesson One – Revision Drop in Clinic

We used this session for independent study.  For those of you who wanted more info on Biorhythms, here is the helpful YouTube clip.

Next lesson will be our last lesson together.  We will be looking at the impact of psychological research.  See you on Wednesday!


Lesson 2 (Ms Rose) – Revision and goodbye

‘What are the impacts of studying psychology’

tree of life final activity.jpg

We completed a worksheet on the social and ethical impact of Psychology, looking at studies from across the whole course.  See pink haired girl worksheet 4.13

You then had two post it notes which you answered the following questions:

  • What have I learned about myself, life and the universe from studying psychology?
  • Where will I be when I finish studying psychology A level and how has psychology informed this?  We shared these on our tree of life.

Good luck with everything dear Ladybirds.  I shall miss you.



Ms Alexander WB 14th May 2018

  Lesson 1  – We considered how to reference using the Harvard system. We then looked at the 2017 paper 2 RM question that required you to look up a T test on a table . Hopefully you are all now feeling confident about looking up critical values. 🙂

Lesson 2 – What do we mean by socially sensitive research ?

Socially Sensitive Research     (from tutor2U notes)

 Sieber and Stanley (1988) used the term social sensitivity to describe studies where there are potential social consequences for the participants or the group of people represented by the research. Sieber and Stanley (1988) identified four aspects in the scientific research process that raise ethical implications in socially sensitive research:

  1. The Research Question: The researcher must consider their research question carefully. Asking questions like ‘Are there racial differences in IQ?’ or ‘Is intelligence inherited?’ may be damaging to members of a particular group.
  2. The Methodology Used: The researcher needs to consider the treatment of the participant’s and their right to confidentiality and For example, if someone admits to committing a crime, or to having unprotected sex if they are HIV positive, should the researcher maintain confidentiality?
  3. The Institutional Context: The researcher should be mindful of how the data is going to be used and consider who is funding the research. If the research is funded by a private institution or organisation, why are they funding the research and how do they intend to use the findings?
  4. Interpretation and Application of Findings: Finally, the researcher needs to consider how their findings might be interpreted and applied in the real-world. Could their data or results be used to inform policy?

Also, any research linking intelligence to genetic factors can be seen as socially sensitive. For example, Cyril Burt used studies of identical twins to support his view that intelligence is largely genetic. His views greatly influenced the Hadow Report (1926) which led to the creation of the 11+ which was used from 1944-1976. This meant that generations of children were affected by the 11+ exam, even though there has been huge controversy regarding whether Burt had falsified his research data.

Here is the power point we used >>>>>>>>>>>>>>socially sensitive research

Social sensitivity can be used as an evaluation issue throughout the course or as a stand alone on the Issues and Debates section of the paper


Lesson 3  – Let’s revise MEMORY   >>> for your room >>>    keyword bunting double sided memory 

memory-revision-2018                     memory-exam-qs    

Revise smart for this topic  – think about how you can demonstrate the weaknesses of the multi-store model – because you can use these arguments as the strengths of the working model. The cognitive approach uses Lab based research to support or refute theories of memory and forgetting. There are loads of strengths and weaknesses of lab research you could tie in to the different studies in this area. Also consider how useful case studies are. Shallice and Warrington’s KF is so important for challenging Multi-store and supporting WMM. Consider knowing the strengths and weaknesses of using case studies in this section. Which issues and debates can you tie into the cognitive approach?

When considering EWT – think about what the research is telling us, why it is useful. With the Cognitive Interview revise not just the 4 elements but also WHY they are effective at helping the person recall information they thought they had forgotten.

Keep linking your revision back to the specification – ensure you know the difference between ‘memory’ and ‘forgetting’ 


REVISION TECHNIQUES >>>>> psychology-revision-guide


Lesson 4  – Revision.  What about Social Influence?  In what ways are we influenced by the majority? Why do we obey legitimate authority? Why are some people more able to resist social influence? How to minorities bring about social change?

You really need to think about ethics and socially sensitive research in this area, also ethnocentrism and gender bias. A great deal of the research lacked ecological validity but demonstrated that you could research social psychology in a scientific way.

There are loads of quizzes and games to play to check your understanding on the tutor2U website.



Ms Rose – Week Commencing 14.05.18

Lesson One – Ms Rose – Comparison of the Approaches


Starter – Sugar paper Venm diagrams – Revision Approach Assumptions, Studies / theories, Evaluation.

You then paired up with another group to draw comparisons between your approach and theirs. (Big Paper = big comparisons!)

We used the white mask book chapter to draw further comparisons, based on the issues, debates and research methods.

These dice templates helped you to get more practiced at being able to draw comparisons between the different approaches.  dice template


Revision Top Tip

Here are some fantastic revision materials on each of the Approaches.  Take some time to explore the approaches that you are less confident about.


Lesson Two – Ms Rose – Biopsychology 

Revision Workshop


biopsychology spec

We selected what you wanted to revise from the specification.

Here is the definative Biopsychology powerpoint biopsych revision ppt

Here is the workpack for more info. biopsych info pack

I have emailed you wioth the workpacks to tailer your own revision.


Revision Top Tip

Check out these A/A* grade booster ideas.