Week commencing 14/11/16

Lesson One – (Ms Rose) – The biological approach 3.2.1

We began with 6 marks of past paper questions for Ao1. Here is the mark scheme for the 4 mark question. Improve your answers once they have been returned. http://filestore.aqa.org.uk/resources/psychology/AQA-71812-SMS-2ND-SET.PDF

We then played a looping definitions game to help you to grasp some of the key vocabulary for the biological approach.

Nature vs nurture washing line, discussing aspects of the biological approach.

Plan 12 marker. Outline and evaluate the biological approach.


Continue to prepare for your presentation due either 16/11/16 or 21/11/16.

continue to prepare for the Biopsychology end of unit test. Due 23/11/16.

Complete the biological approach online dynamic learning assignment. Due 21/11/16


Lesson Two (Ms Rose) – Studying the research Biopsychology

Sleep Diary – Please complete this and bring it with you to the lesson on 23.11.16 sleep-diary-correlation

I hope that you find the bio-psychology revision materials helpful.For those of you who would like to purchase an excellent revision guide, here are the details. Image result for green hair girl revision psychology

Thanks to all those who did their presentations today.  I shall put copies of them up onto the blog as they arrive.  Here are the study summary sheets.  Feel free to use them to write up all of your notes in preparation for revision. research-study-summary-template-2016

Remember to APRC – here is a poster if you want a little reminder aprc-poster


  • Complete the Sleep diary every day this week sleep-diary-correlationDue 23.11.16
  • Continue to revise for the End of Unit Test on Biopsychology.  Due 23.11.16
  • Complete the End of Biopsychology Unit assessment on Dynamic learning to help you with your ongoing revision.  Due 23.11.16
  • Prepare your files for a biopsychology file inspection.  Due 7.12.16


Lesson One– (Miss Burns) – Evaluation of the Multi-store model – 14/11/2016

In today’s lesson we evaluated the multi-store model of memory using:

  • Serial position effect studies (Including Murdock 1962, Glanzer and Cunitz 1966)
  • Studies of brain damaged patients (Including Clive Wearing and HM)

We finished the class by attempting an exam style 4 mark question.

Powerpoint>>> bigsmsm-evaluation-apk2


Lesson Two– (Miss Burns) – Building our own multi-store models of memory 15/11/2016

We began today’s lesson by attempting a 4 mark question evaluating the Multi-store model of memory.

We then made our own multi-store models of memory using boxes. On each store we wrote the encoding, capacity and duration of each store. This visual image hopefully will have deepened your understanding of the model!

**Your prep is outlined on the last slide of the powerpoint. This prep is due 22nd November.**

Powerpoint>>> box-lesson-apk3-smalls

Lesson 3  – (Ms Alexander)        

This was a consolidation lesson. You completed a variety of different activities to really ensure you had a sound grasp of the Multi Store Model of Memory. This included a 6 mark examination question on LTM.

We started by considering the Learning Cycle learning-circle-poster-before-pdf. We know that there are lots of demands on your time and that you are all working hard to meet the needs of various subjects. HOWEVER psychology is a new subject to all of you and therefore requires MORE time. If you are not fully engaged in the learning cycle your grades will continue to be at, or even below the minimum we would expect for you based on previous GCSE performance. You will find it impossible to move to the next grade level. The demand s of ‘A’ level are far greater than those of GCSE. By now you should be aware of the amount you need to learn in psychology. Pre and Post lesson effort is essential for success in this subject.

To access the Green haired girl digital text book click on the following link or paste into your browser: www.illuminate.digital/aqapsych1


  • Complete the activities started in lesson
  • Read ahead – the Working Memory Model is coming up next.
  • Make sure your notes and folder are ready to hand in for inspection on Tuesday



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