Prep for WB 7th Nov – 11th Nov

Ms Roses’ prep

  • Prepare a presentation on the key piece of psychological research, paying careful attention to evaluating the study.  Due either 16.11.16 or 21.11.16 depending on your group.  See Ms Rose
  • Revise for Biopsychology end of unit test. Due 23.11.16
  • If you scored less than 50% on your latest timed exam question please re-submit by Wednesday 16th November

Ms Burns’ prep

  • Fill out page 28-33 in your research methods packs based on the Peterson and Peterson study you carried out in class.   Due: hand in to office on 17th November 2016
  • Please bring in any boxes you have for next week!

Ms Alexander’s prep

  • You should make sure you are reading and re-reading the section in your text book on the MULTI STORE MODEL of MEMORY until you understand the model, the vocabulary, the research,as well as the evaluation of the research and the evaluation of the model itself.


Week Commencing 07.11.16

Lesson One – Ms Rose – Its all in the research

10 minutes for 10 things – Biopsychology recap.Image result for psychology research

Key dates for your diaries:

  • 16.11.16 – Student Presentations
  • 21.11.16 – Student Presentations
  • 23.11.16 – Biopsychology end of unit test
  • 07.12.16 – Correlation – Research method write up due in


Here is your student presentation task.  You used the remainder of the lesson to work together on this in your groups research-focus

If you got less than 50% on the timed exam question from last week, have another go.  Here is the mark scheme


  • Prepare a presentation on the key piece of psychological research, paying careful attention to evaluating the study.  Due either 16.11.16 or 21.11.16 depending on your group.  See Ms Rose
  • Revise for Biopsychology end of unit test. Due 23.11.16


Lesson Two (Ms Rose) – Biological Approach Link to Spec 3.2.1

We need you Batman.

Card Sort – Key terms from the Biological approach biological-approach-activities

Assumptions of the Biological approach.  biological-approach-overview  Add the key terms covered to your Biopsychology glossaries, including Natural selection, sexual selection, evolution, twin studies, adoption studies, family studies, selective breeding, concordance rates, genotype, phenotype, dominant allele, recessive allele, epigenetics and predisposition. Strengths and weaknesses of the approach card sort. strengthys-and-weakness-bio


  • Continue to work on your Presentations for next week / the week after.
  • Continue to revise for your end of unit test


Lesson One : Miss Burns Multi-store model, duration of short-term memory

Today’s lesson began with a recap of what we already know about the Multi-Store Model.

We looked at the 1959 Peterson and Peterson study which looked at the duration of short-term memory. We tested the duration of our own short-term memory as a class then carried out our own study in pairs. You began to fill out page 28-33 in your research methods packs based on the study you carried out.

You attempted to answer a 4 mark exam-type question based on the Peterson and Peterson (1959) study: “Name the experimental design used in this experiment. Evaluate the choice of this design in this experiment.”

Prep: Complete pages 28-33 in your research methods packs based on the study you carried out in class. If you were absent, fill out these pages based on the Peterson and Peterson (1959) study.

Due: hand in to office on 17th November 2016

Today’s powerpoint: stm-duration

 Lesson 2 : Miss Burns – Multi-store model, long term memory

In today’s lesson we recapped on everything we know about Atkinson and Shiffrin’s Multi-store model of memory.

I introduced the third store in the model… the long term memory. We discussed the different types of LTM. We looked at the form in which memories are encoded in the LTM, what the capacity of the LTM is and the duration of LTM. We looked at an important study by Bahrick et al. (1975) which looks at the duration of our LTM.

We spent some time in class looking at the feedback you each received from the questions you completed last week in class. You should make notes distinguishing the difference between experimental design and research method (see powerpoint). Read your feedback carefully, we will be doing other exam practice questions.

Here is the link for the interview with the woman who has an unlimited memory(

Below I have placed a link for a multi-store model of memory song. It is incredibly useful to get your head around the three key processes involved in each store. (

ps. please bring in any boxes you have for next week!

Today’s powerpoint: ltm <<<<< make sure you have read about the Bahrick study of LTM

Lesson 3  – Ms Alexander

Hopefully I helped consolidated your understanding of the MSM of memory. We considered that each memory store could be called a UNITARY STORE. We reminded ourselves about the one directional (sequential) order of travel through the separate stores. We also considered the ‘processes’ that allow information to move from one store to the next. ATTENTION>>>>>MAINTENANCE REHEARSAL>>>>>>ELABORATIVE REHEARSAL (Also known as semantic processing). NB: The MSM does not mention elaborative rehearsal only maintenance rehearsal and this is a weakness of the model !Finally we thought about what we mean when we say that information is forgotten from STM. I introduced the concept of ‘trace decay’. trace-decay-2016-ppt

We  did a quiz and then you practiced using specific terminology. Can you remember what interference means?

Prep WB 31st Oct

  1. Read and make notes on 231-234 (6.3-6.4 black mask).  Have a go at answering the questions on p234 (6.4).     Due Wednesday 9th November
  2. Complete the Dynamic Learning online Task on the Adrenal Response. Due Wednesday 9th November
  3. Have a look at the key terms from the Biopsychology Articulate game.  Prepare your own key terms glossary including definitions.  Due – Ongoing in preparation for revision. 
  4.  In class you got into pairs, one person  imagined they were a researcher, the other  imagined they were an interviewer. The interviewer  asked the questions listed below, aiming to gain as much information about the research as possible.
  • What was your aim when conducting the research?
  • What procedure did you use when conducting your research?
  • What did you find from your research?
  • What can you conclude from the research?
  • What are the greater implications of these findings?
  • What do you think went well with your research?
  • What would you improve for next time?

Little group (6.1 B) – You must do this for Baddeley (1966) and Jacobs (1887)   Due Tuesday 8th November

Big group (6.1 D) – Please ensure you have completed the Baddeley (1966) study you attempted in class, and that of Jacobs (1887)   Due Monday 7th November

Then read p52-62 Black Mask (section 2.1) This is your pre reading and consolidation reading.

Watch Crash Course episode 13 called Making Memories

 To access the Green haired girl digital text book click on the following link or paste into your browser:

You will need a password and user name. I will give these to you if you ask me. You can also find them in the pack you completed over the summer too.