Week commencing 30th January 2017

   Ms Burns – Rosenhan Part One

In today’s lesson we recapped on what we already know about abnormality. This led us directly onto the debate of ‘If sanity and insanity exist, how shall we know them?’. We looked at the Rosenhan (1973) study part one, which outlined an inability to recognise and identify sanity.

Please ensure you have read over the lesson before your next lesson.

Lesson> rosenhan-lesson-1

 Ms Burns – Rosenhan Part Two

In today’s lesson, we looked at the second part of Rosenhan (1973) study. This study outlined the failure of psychiatry in identifying insanity. We learned two really important terms; type 1 error and type 2 error.

Lesson> rosenhan2

PREP: This is due on Thursday 9th. Please hand in to the office if you do not have class that day. 

  • Complete the Rosenhan work pack you were given in class.
  • Following the PEEL format shown in lesson, provide one strength and one weakness of the Rosenhan (1973) study.

Ms Burns – Attachment – Animal studies (1)

We began today’s lesson by discussing the use of animals for experimental purposes. This led us onto looking at animal studies looking at attachment. Specifically, Lorenz (1935) research on the attachment of goslings. It is important to use the key terms ‘imprinting’ and ‘critical period’ when discussing this. We then looked at the ethical guidelines and how these differ for humans and animals

Lesson>  animals-lesson-1

Ms Burns – Attachment – Animal studies (2)

In today’s lesson we looked at the Harlow (1959) study. This involved looking at the behaviours of monkeys to find out if emotional security or food is more important in forming attachments. We then began ‘peel’ing our own evaluation points. This is an important skill to have in psychology. Please always try to use the peel format.

Lesson> harlow-lesson

PREP: due on Thursday 2nd. Please hand in to the office if you do not have class that day.

  • Read and highlight the key information, and answer any questions on the Lorenz and Harlow study summary hand outs.
  • Complete the two exam questions you were given in class. You should then mark your answers using the answer sheet provided. Please ensure you familiarise yourself with the answer sheet and what is expected of you.
  • Reminder: The burger handout on role of the father case studies is also due in on Thursday


Ms Alexander Lesson  – Explaining attachment using the Learning theory

Learning theory comes from the behaviourist approach in psychology. We will look at this approach in due course. In the mean time we need to understand the process of classical conditioning. t2u-powerpoint-learning-theory  <<< Please work through the power point which we were unable to finish in class!  Understanding the terminology is essential.

What do you think?   Can we explain the attachment a child has to its mother as ‘cupboard love’?   Does the child associate the mother with the reward it gets from being fed?

What does Harlow’s research suggest is the most important thing to a baby monkey?

Does a human infant the learn to associate the mother with comfort as well as food?

Is there a better theory to explain attachment ?  Ms Burns will be looking at Bowlby’s monotropic theory with you next week – I suggest you read ahead.

What next?  ….independent Learning for prep……..

You need to read about the learning theory of attachment in your attachment pack and text book. I suggest you also make a note of the evaluation issues. You will be writing an essay on this topic in due course – you need to ensure you can evaluate this theory.






three 60 second videos on how to write an essay

Click here >>> – http://www.tutor2u.net/psychology/blog/60-second-videos-on-essay-writing-technique?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Psychology%20daily%20digest%20Wed%2025th%20January%202017&utm_content=Psychology%20daily%20digest%20Wed%2025th%20January%202017+CID_00be27a69585f3f9f34696ce3fd1da1b&utm_source=CampMonitor&utm_term=60%20Second%20Videos%20on%20Essay%20Writing%20Technique%20Here%20are%20the%20first%20in%20a%20series%20of%20short%20very%20videos%20outlining%20effective%20essay%20technique

WB 23rd Jan 2017

Lesson 1  – Ms Alexander

I handed back the Levels of Processing research project. It was disappointing that only a few of you had read the relevant section of the text book. These are the sections you should have included >>>writing-up-a-research-report    Some of you have until Friday to re-submit the assignment.

I also handed back the standard deviation work sheet answers-for-sd -some of you had difficulty with the calculations. Remember  (-) x (-) = (+).  Please do try again – it just required that you follow some simple instructions. It was also important that you actually thought about it before you answered the question in the AO2 section of the paper. The information on the worksheet should have helped you make sense of the relationship of the SD to a normal distribution curve. If you get stuck with prep either come to a lunch time clinic or arrange for a 1 to 1 with me.

Over 1/2 of students in the big class had not watched the Tronick video prior to the lesson!

The lesson itself focussed on the 4 stages of attachment identified by Shaffer and Emerson (1964). This is a key study which you need to learn. >> shaffer-emerson-study

We have moved beyond the controlled lab experiment to non-experimental methods. We will be looking at observation as a research method in this unit. We will also examine the role of self report.

Lesson 1 – Ms Burns – Abnormality

We began today’s lesson by discussing what normal and abnormal are. This led us to discuss atypical behaviours and maladaptive behaviours. From this, we looked at social norms and those who deviate from these norms – social deviants.  We discussed why having social norms is good and bad.

Lesson >> abnormality

Lesson 2 – Ms Burns – Abnormality

In today’s lesson we were introduced to two key concepts; failure to function adequately and deviation from mental health. With this came discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of these terms. These are important terms, ensure you are familiar with these and those from lesson 1.

Lesson >> 6-1-lesson-2

Lesson 3 – Ms Burns – Attachment: Role of the father

As the father is typically ignored when discussing attachment figures, in today’s lesson we questioned; what about the role of the father? In doing so, we discussed the influence of social norms on the role of mothers and fathers. We looked what type of attachment children have with their fathers, what factors influence the relationships formed, and the implications of this. Each group looked at their own study then presented this to the class. Please ensure you look at all of these studies.

Lesson> role-of-the-father2


1. Complete both sides of the Burger handout – this is a really important skill to have. For those who did not receive this in class… Please come to the office to collect this. Due Thursday 2nd February

Final lesson of the week Ms Alexander

We consolidated our understanding of the stages of attachment >>> powerpoint-stages-of-attachment and we completed this work sheet >>>handout-stages-of-attachment

Please complete the burger on the worksheet. Elaborating your answers is a key skill which we need to nail right now.

I handed you a research methods sheet to be completed by next Friday 3rd. If you missed the lesson you can collect it on Monday and you can have an extension.

Happy Chinese New Year 🙂

Week Commencing 16.01.17


Lesson One (Ms Rose) – Introduction to psychopathology – Link to spec – 3.2.2

Image result for lizard man

What is normality anyway? Here is the powerpoint that we used today to discuss what it means to be ‘normal’.  intro-defining-abnormality-lesson-ppt

The normal / abnormal continuum task is here.  what-is-normal

We looked at some of the disorders that can be pathologised and discussed cultural relativism.  koro


Due Wednesday 18.01.16

  • Read ahead on defining abnormality in your mask textbook.  p145-153


Lesson 2 (Ms Rose) – Defining abnormality – Statistical Infrequency – Link  to spec 3.2.2

Image result for amy winehouse alcoholism

When behavior is extreme and abnormal, it is described as dysfunctional.  Once a diagnosis is formulated, it becomes a disorder.

Here is the Psychopathology unit wookbook.  You completed P1,3 &4. psychopathology-pack

We completed the Amy Winehouse activity starter.

Statistical infrequency powerpoint.  intro-defining-abnormality-lesson-ppt


Due Monday 23.01.16

  • Complete pages 3-4 of the Psychopathology workpack.
  • Read P1 of your workpack on Rosenhan ‘Being sane in insane places’
  • Watch One flew over the cuckoos nest (Will be shown in film club at 18.30 on 24.01.17)
  • Prepare a Psychopathology key terms glossary


Lesson 1   Ms Alexander -Research Methods

After recapping what we mean by levels of data we went on to examine what we mean when we say that we have a significant result.

You discovered that the psychologist can choose to test their data at different levels of significance. Although psychologists usually test at the 5% level of significance. This means they are satisfied if they are 95% sure that the experimental result can be attributed to the Independent variable. This would mean there is still 5% chance that the results found were a fluke. level-of-measurment-and-statistics-intro

Lesson 2  Ms Alexander

This lesson we nailed the ‘binomial SIGN TEST’ -this is the only test you could be required to work out yourself in the examination.

Because the ‘breakfast worksheet’ was a bit rubbish tbh, I have added corrections and simplifications into this power point.  sign-test-2017    Please work through the ppt again to clarify your understanding (especially students in the little group).  There will be a test on this soon – you have been warned. Also important, is that you get to grips with HOW to write up the results of your statistical analysis. Again the power point explains this in detail.


Lesson 3  Ms Alexander  – New topic ‘Attachment’

Introduction to the developmental approach in psychology. We will be exploring the nature and implication of early childhood attachment over the next few weeks.

Today our lesson focussed on the carer-infant relationship during the first few weeks of life.

During the lesson you learnt some key terminology and were reminded, that as well as learning about the topics we cover, you also have to learn examination skills. This means using the information to answer exam questions. See the power point we used today >>> developmental-psychology-2017


  • Go through the power point again in your own time – check out all the hyper links.
  • You have AO1 and AO2 questions to complete caregiver-interactions-wsheet Due Friday 27th January
  • Watch the Tronick experiment linked into the power point – report back on Monday 23rd January

Prep for Ms Alexander due next week

Due on Monday/Tuesday – (first lesson with me next week)

  1. Personal review action plan >> psych-6-1-mini-trial-action-plan-jan-2017
  1. Read and attempt to complete what-is-meant-by-significance 2-understanding-stats

Due on Friday – (last lesson with me next week)

  1. Research Report for Levels of processing experiment:
  2. How to calculate a standard deviation sheet’ (the one with the cats on) how-to-calculate-a-sd

Additional prep:

  1. Read relevant sections of the research methods unit of the Green Haired Girl digital text book. Check using multiple choice questions.
  2. Check you are up to date with the Dynamic Learning Assessments.
  3. Read ahead for the Attachment Topic.

If it snows and I cant get in….


You have your Levels of Processing research report to write up.

Please also take the time to read the research methods section of the Green Haired Girl digital text book. By now most of you will have already worked through sections 166-179 in the GHG to do with the experimental method. By’ work through’, I mean – have read the content, checked the online videos and web links and answered the multiple choice questions.

The next section to work through is 188 correlation – which you did with Ms Rose.

Then 190 (Data analysis) t0 200 (Peer review and the economy).

It is only by doing the additional work that you will gain the additional marks you need for the high grades 🙂

Prep Reminder -focus point alert

Prep set by Ms Burns before Christmas:

  • Go to page 91 (2.5) in the Black Mask text book. Make appropriate notes on the evaluation for anxiety as influencing EWT (Due: 6th January)
  • Read pages 92-97 in the Black Mask textbook and answer the following questions:
    • What is a cognitive interview?
    • Name and describe four components of the cognitive interview?
    • What is the difference between CI, ECI and MCI?
    • What does Memon et al. 2010 suggest about the effectiveness of all types of cognitive interview? (Due: 6th January)
  • Answer the following question “Outline and evaluate research into the effects of leading questions on the accuracy of eyewitness testimony” [8 marks] (Due: 6th January)

Ms Burns gave an extension to today  Thursday 12th January.

Unless you have already emailed to ask for a further extension this work is due in today – if you do not hand in your prep you will be issued with a focus point.