Week Commencing 27.02.17

 Lesson One ( Ms Rose) – Biological treatments for OCD – Link to Spec 3.2.2

Image result for ocd drug therapy

Here is the powerpoint that we used.  2-bio-explanation

Here is the worksheet that you used to simplify the language involved in this unit. psy_ccas1_0408_ws02_xxaann

We completed p 31-34 in your psychopathology work pack.  psychopathology-pack


Ensure that all sections in the psychopathology work pack relating to OCD are complete.  p31-35. These will be inspected at the end of the unit.

Please ensure that you watch ‘As good as it gets’. Come to the film night tomorrow – bring pizza / other yummies. :o)

Lesson Two ( Ms Rose) – OCD consolidation.  Phobias intro- Link to Spec 3.2.2

We began with a little extension activity genetic-explanation-of-ocd

Here is the timed exam question and mark scheme  (Page 9-10) http://filestore.aqa.org.uk/resources/psychology/AQA-71812-SMS.PDF

We then looked at the emotional, cognitive and behavioral characteristics of phobias characteristics-of-phob

Here are the questions for the film clip phobias-clip-questions


Due Monday 06.03.17

  • Complete p12 in your Psychopathology work pack.
  • Read p154-155 on characteristics of phobias in your mark textbooks to help you to do this.


Lesson 1 –  Ms Alexander  – Cross-Cultural Attachment

After handing back work completed in class and for prep we discussed the 3 point rule – you can PEC or PEE as long as you explain each point along with what the implication of this is …e.g.

  • A strength of Bowlby’s monotropic theory of attachment is there is evidence that supports his idea of a critical period during which the infant attachés to its primary caregiver.
  • For example Curtis reported on the case study of Genie, a  child bought up in isolation. Her story demonstrates the long term damage that a lack of attachment causes to the emotional, social and intellectual development of an infant.
  • Evidence like this, suggests that Bowlby’s theory is credible and that key elements of his theory are correct.

You have all been practicing this with Miss Burns – she made you write out lots of PEE and burger paragraphs didn’t she?  – AND YET….in the privation essays I handed back today – quite a few of you lovely students are STILL failing to use this technique when you are evaluating in an essay!!!!  Instead many of you are cramming loads of different points into one paragraph without really explaining any of the points effectively 😦

I have handed you a check list – I would like you to go through the list BEFORE handing in your next essay.

During the lesson we explored the van Ijzendoorn study a little further. We need to be aware of the Japanese and German children’s attachment styles especially. It would seem that the imposed etic leads to inappropriate judgements being made about the attachment of some children. This can have negative consequences. Read about the Australian children in the black mask book.    original-van-ijzendoorn

Read ahead about Bowlby’s 44 thieves studybowlby-44-thieves

Prep – due next Friday 10th March

Describe and evaluate research into cultural variations in attachment (16 marks)

AO1=6 marks   AO3=10 marks

Lesson 2 –  Ms Alexander  – Operant Conditioning

Today we discussed the importance of essay planning, and you were given a large A3 essay planning sheet on which to plan for your cultural variations essay . We the cracked on with the 2nd part of the Learning Explanation of Attachment.

Before 1/2 term we examined the Classical Conditioning explanation for attachment  – this formed one half of the learning theory of attachment. I was sick before I was able to go through the second half of the Learning theory of attachment. So, this is what today’s lesson was about  >>> o-c-theory-of-attachment

Remember there are 2 possible explanations for attachment. One is Bowlby’s monotropic theory which represents the nature argument. The second is  Dollard and Miller’s ‘cupboard love theory’ which represent the nurture argument.

What does the research evidence suggest is the best explanation for attachment?

BTW….have you actually watched a video of the ‘strange situation’?

This short video should be watched in preparation for next week’s lessons

Lesson 3 –  Ms Alexander   – Maternal Deprivation Theory

We started the lesson with a challenging gap -fill. It is amazing how difficult these can be. What it demonstrates though, is the importance of understanding and using subject specific terminology.

You were also given an AO2 application task to complete. This was designed to offer scaffolded support. In other words it encourages you to extend your answer from what you would like to write to what I would like you to write 🙂

Please hand in the completed task for checking.   Remember you are expected to do at least 4-5 hours independent study per week per A level subject. This means you are expected to spend more time studying psychology than just completing prep.

Finally we examined Bowlby’s maternal deprivation theory >> 1-bowlbys-maternal-dep

You should be able to both describe and evaluate both of Bowlby’s theories.

Warning: There will be an Attachment Assessment on Tuesday 21st March


As I explained in the lesson, you are required to work your way through this power point BEFORE your first lesson with me next week. (Small group Monday/Big group Tuesday). Watch it as a slide show. >>>  observation-2017  Here is the worksheet that goes with the power point >> the-observation-technique-prep-sheet

Getting the most out of tutor2u

Have you had a proper look at the tutor2u website?

It contains excellent study notes (6.1  and 6.2), revision quizzes, webinars for most topics as well as glossaries of key terms. I have included the Research Methods glossary below  –


Some of you are still not able to adequately define terms like operationalisation, ecological validity etc.. It is essential that you learn the key terms.

Here is a list of all the glossaries including memory and attachment


Once you are in the site click on reference library and collections – go on have an explore – you are bound to find something useful 🙂

Week Commencing 20.02.17

Lesson One ( Ms Rose)Biological explanations for OCD GENETICS– Link to spec – 3.2.2

Image result for ocd

If you have not yet handed in your OCD leaflet, please make sure that I have it by Wednesday at the latest.

We began with a card sort – card-sort

We looked at the genetic explanation for OCD.  Here is the powerpoint – 2-bio-explanation

Here are the two worksheets –




Due Wednesday 1st March 2017

  • Complete the worksheets started in class.
  • Complete the online dynamic learning tests on OCD


Lesson Two ( Ms Rose)Biological explanations for OCD NEUROANATOMY – Link to spec – 3.2.2

Image result for ocd ofc

Starter – exam technique.  Developing an argument / counterclaim.  construct-an-argument-ocd

Here is the powerpoint that we used to implicate brain anatomy in OCD symptoms.  Mainly the Thalamus, Orbito frontal cortex and basal ganglia.2-bio-explanation

We then went back to the Developing an argument / counterclaim.  construct-an-argument-ocd for the final


Due Wednesday 1st March 2017


Lesson One – Ms Burns – Attachment: Ainsworth’s Strange Situation

In today’s lesson we looked Ainsworth’s 1979 study ‘Strange Situation’.

We worked in groups to complete Handout 1, identifying the different attachment types Ainsworth outlined, the findings of the study alongside the conclusions which could be drawn.

Handout 1> ainsworth-handout-1


I have assigned all the ‘attachment’ dynamic learning assessments.

You have until 31st March to complete them 🙂

Lesson Two – Ms Burns – Attachment: Cultural variation

In today’s lesson we looked at the cultural differences in attachment types. Please ensure you are familiar with Van Ijzendoorn & Kroonenberg (1988) and Simonelli et al. (2014)

Lesson> cultural-variation


Miss Bonell  found this article about the Romanian orphans apparently 40% are still struggling with their mental health 😦


Final lesson of the week Ms Alexander

You started off completing the ‘Love Quiz’ devised by Havan and Shaver (1987). This was a useful study which could be used as evidence to support Bowlby’s Monotropy theory. It showed that adults could be identified as having the same types of attachment as Ainsworth described in the strange situation. It supports the idea of and internal working model template, as well as the continuity hypothesis.

I  then checked you  could describe the various types of attachment, including the newest type D category known as the Disorganised attachment type. (Main and Soloman 1986)

  • Type A for Avoidant
  • Type Be attached – it’s what we all need !
  • Type ‘C’ me resist you!
  • Type D for Disorganised

As a class we discussed the strengths and weaknesses of Hazan & Shaver’s research, as well as the limitations of Ainsworth’s findings. It is difficult to argue that attachment types are universal indicators of unresponsive parenting because cross-cultural research suggests it is more likely to be due to cultural differences. For example, Germany has high numbers of ‘insecure avoidant’ infants – but this could be because the German culture values independence. Assuming that attachment types is only down to poor parenting can lead to all kinds of problems. Read in your black mask about the aboriginal children taken into care. Kagan suggested the attachment problems could be down to the infants temperament at birth  – some babies are just born difficult 😦


To be prepared for lessons next week, ensure you have read the cross-cultural research in your text books. We will also be looking at another Bowlby theory  – the Maternal Deprivation Theory. Finally we will looking at operant conditioning as an explanation for attachment.

You have at attachment cut and stick activity to complete by next Friday. Bring it to class so I can check it.

I have also asked you to complete the A3 sheet of APRC and GRAVE  for Ainsworth and van Ijzendoorn. Which are key studies. Also due to be shown to me next Friday 3rd March.

Best efforts = merits 🙂

Don’t forget the Dynamic Learning Assessments XXXX





Week Commencing 06.02.17


Lesson One (Ms Rose) – Classification of mental health disorders – Link to spec 3.2.2

Image result for dsm v

Here is the exam question and mark scheme to consolidate the material that you have covered over the last few weeks.

Click to access AQA-71821-SQP.PDF

Click to access AQA-71821-SMS.PDF

How do mental health workers formulate a diagnosis?  Here is the powerpoint.  dsm-powerpoint-1-2

Here is the cut and stick activity. diagnosis-gapfill-activity

We looked at a copy of the ICD-10.  Below is an e-copy of the DMS V

Click to access dsm-v-ingles-manual-diagnc3b3stico-y-estadc3adstico-de-los-trastornos-mentales.pdf


Due 08.02.17

Use your textbooks to complete up to p 10 in your Psychopathology work pack. psychopathology-pack

Read through the tutor2u course companion materials.  Make notes on p1-4.


Lesson Two (Ms Rose) – Emotional, cognitive and behavioral characteristics of OCD – Link to spec 4.1.4

Here is the power point that was used. characterisitcs-of-ocd

Here is the case study that was used to practice the AO2 skills.  application-ocd-question


Due 21.02.17

  • Do – Create an information leaflet that could inform Sarita as to why her behavior could be judged as abnormal.
  • Pre reading: Biological explanations and treatments of OCD
  • Watch – Film – As good as it gets. Or attend film club on Tuesday 28.02.17
  • Also watch this heart warming slam poetry of someones experience of OCD.Ms



MS Alexander  -has been off sick. This is the work I would like you to do. 

I would like you to read pages 206-212 in your black mask book. I want you to learn about the behaviourist approach and the research of BF Skinner. Once you have made some key notes I would like you to answer questions 3 & 4 on page 217. 

Here is an activity for you to complete over half term. 



Lesson One – Ms Burns – Bowlby’s theory of attachment

In today’s lesson we looked at Bowlby’s monotropic theory of attachment


PREP: Complete the questions and the ‘key terms’ handout (ASCMI) Due 21st February


Lesson Two – Ms Burns – Evaluation

We looked at key studies today which can be used when evaluating Bowlby’s monotropic theory of attachment.


PREP: Using the handout provide, ‘PEEL’ each of the studies outlined on page 118 in the black mask text book (Lorenz, 1935; Schaffer & Emerson, 1964; Rutter, 1981; Lamb et al. 1982). Refer to the example provided in the slides for help. Due 21st February
