Roedean Brain Day 2018



A reminder to all, that Brain day will be held this coming Tuesday 6th February 2018.

Here is the program and letter outlining the details for the day.

2018 Student letter copy

Brain Day Roedean 2018

Please note that you will need to ensure that you catch up on all of the work that you miss in your other lessons.

Ms Alexander WB 29th Jan 2018

Lesson 1 —- I said ‘Duck!’   >>>>>>>    Duck 2018

Ensure you have read the section on relationship breakdown in the Course companion and also the PHG

bring your PHG pack to next lesson

Lesson 2  – You were consolidating your understanding of the economic models by completing two tutor2U work sheets – answers will be provided next lesson 🙂  Remember to add detail to your explanations and provide examples whenever you can.

Lesson 3  – Relationship mop-up. Whilst you were working on a number of different tasks I was able to quickly check in with each of you. Good news – those 4 and 6 mark answers are really improving 🙂

Read ahead – are you getting ready for Forensic Psychology ?

Lesson 4  – So? Are you a Criminal? We looked at the problems defining Crime and learnt that the definition was dynamic and constantly changing >> >>>>>Forensic 1  Do read the section in your CC on defining crime and how crime statistics are gathered. Do also read the relevant pages in the PHG –  click those links 🙂

Ms Rose – Week Commencing 29.01.18

Lesson One (MS Rose) Reliability and Validity of Diagnosis – Link to Spec 4.3.5

Here is the Powerpoint classification and diagnosis

Starter activity : Role play – Patient / Dr.A2_AQB_abnormal_labellingRoleCards

Here is the Rosenhans study summary template rosenhan summary


Due on Monday 29.01.18

  • Complete the PHG worksheet 8.4
  • Look at the Rosenhan study summary template
  • Check out the tutor2u study notes on schizophrenia (Below)


Lesson Two (Ms Rose) – Rosenhan Recap, Comorbidity, Cultural Bias, Gender Bias and Symptom Overlap

Link to spec 4.3.5


Here is the domino starter activity rosenhan dominos

Here is the powerpoint classification and diagnosis

Here is the summary worksheet 12.1 AQA Psych Topic Worksheet Classification Answers


Due Monday 5th February 2018

  • Complete the worksheet that you started in class
  • Check out this website link
  • Complete the tasks in the yellow boxes on the powerpoint whilst you recap the last few weeks content.  (revision is best when you start it early).

Stretch and Challenge

Check out Rosenhans Original study original rosenhan

Ms Alexander WB 22nd Jan 2018

 Lesson 1  – We used the PHG digital text book to consolidate understanding of the Social Exchange Theory. We worked through an ‘apply it question’ which focused on research methods.  We then compared our answers to the model answers.


As a class we tried the multiple choice questions to check understanding.


MINI PREP:  You have some reading to do about Equity theory for next lesson. Also you should complete the gap fill for SET in your PHG packs    (once I have checked it you can have the corrected version)

Lesson 2  – We moved on to examine EQUITY theory and we started to explore INVESTMENT THEORY. Do ensure you have read the material in your course companion and the PHG   1 SET and Equity 2016

Lesson 3 – the Investment Model  >>    investment model 2018 “SAIC” it off

Do bring your PHG booklets and PHG to next lesson – you will require both

Lesson 4  -Should students be expelled for having a romantic relationship whilst at school ? Headmaster article   We were able to apply SET to this particular school situation!

We have looked at an evaluation paragraph (HATFIELD) that contained an elaborated answer as well as supporting research evidence – you were required to write your own version for Prep 🙂

PREP: for Tuesday

  1. Complete your own evaluation paragraph for the social exchange theory
  2. Complete exercises 5.9 in the PHG relationship pack (remember to add ‘equity’ to the options of over or under benefited!)
  3. Complete the exercise 5.10 using the PHG book to guide you
  4. Complete exercise 5.11 – this will provide you with an excellent summary of the 3 theories
  5. Optional – you can also try 5.8 if you’d like to

We will be looking at relationship breakdown next week…DO READ AHEAD

Ms Rose – Week Commencing 22.01.18

Lesson One (Ms Rose) Positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia  – Link to Spec 4.3.5


Here is the powerpoint. classification and diagnosis

You completed worksheet 8.2

You completed this mix and match task.  Here is the teachers crib. Symptoms worksheet – teachers crib


Due Wednesday 24.01.18

  • Watch this clip and then Complete worksheet 8.3


Lesson Two (Ms Rose) – Classification and Symptoms – Link to Spec 4.3.5

Here is the powerpoint – classification and diagnosis

Here is the film clip –

Here is the worksheet – Sz case studies with symptoms and task

Ms Alexander and I then conducted 1:1 interviews to feedback your January trial grades


Due 29.01.18


M Alexander wb 15th Jan 2018

Lesson 1  – We recapped gender bias using some PHG work sheets. Do read ahead to remind yourself of the culture bias debate in advance of lesson 2 🙂

Lesson 2  – We recapped cultural bias this lesson. There is a lot of terminology associated with this issue. It is worth making sure you know what the different terms mean. To help you along the way you have been set a prep activity due next Tuesday.

If you missed the lesson because of your Art examination please come and see me asap to pick up the work you’ve missed along with the prep assignment.

I have emailed you all the ‘Issues and debates’ and ‘approaches’ model essays  – please let me know if you did not receive anything.

Lesson 3 and 4 – We started to examine how psychologists suggest relationships are maintained once they are established. The first theory we looked at is called the Social exchange theory (SET) >>>>>1 SET and Equity 2016   Next week we will examine the other 2 economic theories – equity and the investment model.


  1. ‘Culture bias in research’ worksheet to complete for Tuesday
  2. Check you understand S E T.  (in PHG and CC)
  3. Read ahead about Equity and Investment theory (in PHG and CC)

Start Revising Attachment.  The 6.1 students are beginning attachment next week – feel free to join our lessons you will be made most welcome. Also, if you want to follow their 6.1 blog I will send you the link.

If you haven’t worked through the double page spreads on research methods from the GHG START NOW.   40% of the examination rests on this basic stuff.  The research methods section on paper 2 is worth 48 marks ….. that is twice as much as any other section on the entire 3 papers! I will start teaching the 6.2 research methods content really soon. Will you be ready for it?


Ms Rose – Week Commencing 15.01.2018

Lesson One (Ms Rose) – Nature vs Nurture debate – Epigenetics – Link to Spec 4.2.2

Image result for lick you rat

Starter worksheet – If you missed the lesson, I have spare4 copies of this in the office

Here are the web links that we explored.  Take the time to have some fun here –

  • What is epigenetics ?

  • Lick you rats – activity

  • Stretch and challenge – watch


Due Monday 22.01.18

  • Read ahead – Go back over your notes on Psychopathology (P132-137 in the GHG textbook)
  • Explore the websites above to discover more on Epigenetics.


Lesson Two (Ms Rose) – Classification of Schizophrenia Link to Spec 4.3.5

Here is the powerpoint classification and diagnosis

I gave you each a booklet of the worksheets – please ensure that you bring this with you to every lesson.  I have spares in the office if you missed today’s lesson.

You this worksheet PHG resource 8.1


Due Monday 22.01.2018


WB Thursday 4th Jan 2018 Ms Alexander

Lesson 1

We recapped Gender bias in psychological research >>>> Gender bias recap 2018

Most of you admitted that you didn’t watch the videos on the blog before Christmas.  Please do so now – I am sure the tutor2U team  will explain gender bias in a really informative and practical way. This is good food – do not turn your nose up at it!!!

Read ahead about Cultural bias which we will look at next 🙂

I will be taking in all outstanding work and Christmas prep next lesson. Be ready to hand in.

Lesson 2

I handed out the answer sheets for your Christmas prep – it is useful to have this for revision purposes. Do check your own accuracy. What can you improve in your own understanding?

We then considered what we mean by cultural bias >>>> Culture bias

Next week there will be no lessons as you will be having trials. Please email and then come and see me/Ms Rose if you need any additional support.

When we resume lessons you will consolidating your understanding of gender and culture bias before we move on to the Social Economic Theories of relationships. Do read ahead in your PHG to the Social exchange and Equity theories of relationships if you can.

Knowing your papers …do you ?

The content of the 3 psychology ‘A’ level papers is slightly different to the AS papers.  Each paper is 2 hours long and is marked out of 96.

Paper 1    (4th June pm)

  • Section A –  Social Influence
  • Section B – Memory
  • Section C- Attachment
  • Section D-  Psychopathology

Paper 2    (8th June am)

  • Section A –  Approaches
  • Section B – Biological
  • Section C-  Research Methods

Paper 3    (14th June am)

  • Section A –  Issues and Debates
  • Section B – Relationships
  • Section C- Schizophrenia
  • Section D-  Forensic


Below  is the direct link to the AQA website where you will see the actual 2016 examination papers together with the mark schemes and examiners reports.

2018 Psychology examination dates

  • Paper 1 is on the 4th June
  • Paper 2 is in the 8th June
  • Paper 3 is on 14th June