Ms Alexander WB 26th Feb 2018

  Lesson 1

You were able to practice some examination questions whilst at the same time using a variety of text books to check your understanding of key terms like primary and secondary data and thematic analysis. These are terms which are easy to overlook and can catch you out in the examination.

For further information on thematic analysis see page 294 in the black mask and p64 in the PHG.  See questions -please hand in for marking when completed >> From June 2017   

TOP TIP:  I suggest you create a Venn diagram for ‘top down’ and ‘bottom up’ offender profiling. Consider how they are similar, and in what ways they differ. I suggest this because this topic lends itself to a compare and contrast style question and I think it is a good idea to be prepared.

Prep:   Due for Friday of this week  OP RM question from PHG

Read ahead in the PHG and CC about  ‘Atavistic Form’

Lesson 2

Some students missed their DOUBLE lesson 1 and 2  due to the snow,-also I arrived late to school today for the same reason.  Students who missed their first lesson of the week (see lesson 1 above)  – you will need to catch up with this work.    SEE ABOVE LESSON 1

Then for lesson 2, please write the timed essay as planned – write from memory and time yourself – allow NO MORE than 25 minutes but aim to complete in 20 minutes. If you have extra time allow yourself an additional 5 mins.

Next, read and make notes on the biological explanations for Criminal behaviour – consider that when looking for such explanations we are referring to extreme criminals, psychopaths, murderers, violent criminals.

Use your time wisely – you have the opportunity to catch up with anything that you need to finish off. Time spent clicking buttons on PHG is NEVER wasted time 🙂

Lesson 3

Is it possible to explain certain types of criminality using the biological approach?    Lombroso certainly had some interesting ideas 🙂   1 atavistic explanation 2018

Lesson 4

Is there such a thing as a criminal brain? We started to investigate the research of Adrian Raine who compared the brains of NGRI (Not Guilty due to Reason of Insanity)with non criminal controls, and found considerable differences in the activity of the PFC. (Pre-Frontal Cortex)

PREP: Read this >>> Trying to explain psychopathy

Time to get your revision timetable sorted  – revision timetable 2018   <<<< check out the hyper links I have added in 🙂 🙂

Ms Rose – Week Commencing 26.02.18

Lesson One (Ms Rose) – Biological explanations for Schizophrenia Consolidation. Link to Spec 4.3.5


We discussed Toxoplasmosis in sheep / cats and how it has been implicated with the onset of schizophrenia. The ‘infection explanation’ is another biological explanation for schizophrenia.   Here is the article that we read in class.  article toxplasmosis and schiz

You then had some time to plan your answer to times exam question.

Discuss biological explanations for Schizophrenia’.  (16 marks). 


Here is the mark scheme:

Click to access AQA-71823-SMS.PDF


Due Wednesday 28.02.18

  • Check out the mark scheme for the question that you answered in class.  Write yourself some targets for improvement.
  • Read ahead (p 208-209) in the digital Pink Haired Girl – Biological treatments for Schizophrenia.

Stretch and Challenge –

Check out the book ‘10% human’ to discover the weird and wonderful relationships between micro-organisms and mental health.  Alternatively, here are some of her podcasts

Lesson Two (Ms Rose) – Biological treatments for OCD – Link to spec 4.3.5

drug treatments

Starter – You completed worksheet 8.6 in the PHG workpack.  This is a helpful recap for today’s content.

Here is the powerpoint that we used.  drug treatments

I also gave you copies of these workpacks 12.4 AQA Psych CC Drug Therapy


Due Wednesday 07.03.18

  • Here is some information about a variety of different antipsychotic drugs (both typical or atypical)/   to research. drug treatments summary schizophrenia
    • Using this information, construct an anti psychotic drug package.
      • You must include:
        • –the mode of action of the drug
        • –side effects
        • –appropriateness
        • You must include health warning / side effects information on your packet.

This template may help you – cube template – drug package construction

Ms Alexander WB 19th Feb 2018

Lesson 1

Top down offender profiling  – if you haven’t clicked any of the ‘E’ buttons on the PHG digital book,  I suggest you do – the links to Ted Bundy, the Railway Rapist, the Rachel Nickel case etc. are fascinating. top down

You should be attempting the apply it questions too, as well as the multiple choice questions. Ensure you are able to evaluate this approach.

Lesson 2

Bottom up offender profiling  – you will notice that the research referred to in the evaluation of the two types of profiling are the studies I gave you in the small pack! bottom up   Be sure to have worked out which evaluation issues you will use.
Prep: You have the Offender Profiling tutor2U questions to answer

Use your time to properly explore your PHG digital text book

Prepare for a timed examination question which will take place next Tuesday

>>   Discuss investigative psychology and/or geographical profiling. Refer to evidence in your answer. (16)

Lesson 3   – As a class we worked through a research method question linked to offender profiling. You also completed 2 activities from the PHG pack to consolidate your understanding of the 2 FBI typologies

Lesson 4  – We discussed levels of data (NOIR) and the meaning of significance statistics-intro

Some really excellent measuring crime essays were handed back today –  see the model version here>>


Ms Rose – Week Commencing 19.02.18

Lesson One (Ms Rose) – Neural correlates as an explanation for schizophrenia Link to spec 4.3.5


neural correlates schizophrenia

For those of you who were unable to complete the dopamine hypothesis summary homework task – here is the e-version of it.  Please hand this in by Wednesday. dopamine hypothesis worksheet

Here is the powerpoint neural correlates

You completed worksheet 8.5 in your pink haired girl workpack


Make sure you have read and made notes on p200-204 in the PHG

Everyone needs to have completed and handed in the dopamine hypothesis summary worksheet by Wednesday ahead of us starting the genetic explanation.


Lesson Two (Ms Rose) Genetic Explanations for Schizophrenia – Link to Spec 4.3.5.


Here is the powerpoint for today genetic explanation

You then completed this worksheet. 12.2 AQA Psych Topic Worksheet Biological Explanations of Schizophrenia Answers

You spent the last part of the lesson preparing for the timed exam question next lesson.

Discuss biological explanations for schizophrenia. (16 marks)



Due Monday 26.02.18

  • Prepare for this timed question for next lesson

Discuss biological explanations for schizophrenia. (16 marks)

Stretch and Challenge

Have a look at Gottesman and Sheilds Origional research article.  gottesman-and-shields-1966

Ms Alexander WB 5th Feb 2017

 This lesson, after practicing a 4 mark examination question under timed conditions, – we went on to examine how crime figures are collected and the inherent problems. I was disappointed that once again only one or two of you had any advance knowledge of this topic. This means the pre-reading is still not happening. Learning is much more effective if you come to the lesson with some basic knowledge on which to build   Ppt>>>>  measuring crime   additional information >> Ways of Measuring Crime   also >>>  problems with defining crime

You have a grid to complete >>>Complete a summary table and compare the three main ways of measuring crime

Prep: Due Tuesday 20th February (after half term)

Describe and Evaluate three ways of measuring crime. Refer to evidence and/or published examples in your answer (16 marks)

One class has missed more lessons due to Brain day and some students went home earlier so it was a strange week lesson wise.

Key thing is to ensure you can define crime and you know why it is a dynamic construct, also that you can describe and critically evaluate ways of measuring crime.

One group (13B) started to look at the meaning of statistical significance >>check out this awesome explanation >> what is meant by significance

Half term Prep

You have information to read for Offender Profiling Scan of Offender Profiling key studies and evaluation    As you read the three studies I would like you to GRAVEE evaluate them. Once you have evaluated them yourselves you should then read the evaluation on the sheet.

From the Forensic work pack (I sent it to you via email recently) I would like you to complete the Offender profiling section. I gave out hard copy in the lesson (Flynn this information is for you).

Remember to rest over 1/2 term – but so also plan some psychology study time  – think ahead -do the work now to help you next term and over Easter. We are nearly there. 🙂

Ms Rose – Week Commencing 05.02.18

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Lesson One – Ms Rose – Dopamine Hypothesis

Link to Spec 4.3.5


Here is the powerpoint dopamine f hypothesis

Here is the evaluation worksheet evaluation card sort dopamine hypothesis


Due Tuesday 6.02.18


Lesson Two (Ms Rose) – Brain Day Software Play

Following on from yesterday phenomenal brain day experiences, we spent some lesson time exploring the interactive resources, Ted talks and academic journals that Dr Guy Sutton left with us to explore.  These are located on the Roedean intranet webpages so please continue to explore them at your on leisure.

I have emailed you the notes from Dr Sutton from the day.  take the time to read through them. 🙂

Here are some notes prepared during the day by Louisa (Massive thanks for these) Brain Day pdf

Here are some of the photos that you shared from your day.



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Due Monday 19.02.18