Easter prep


Check you have completed exercise 12.8 in the PHG mini pack

You have another T2U sheet to complete (Eysenck-psychodynamic)

You have 2x 4 mark questions to answer under timed conditions Timed Exam practice 

You have an apply it question to complete  – ‘comparing E and N scores in offenders & non-offenders’  (PHG page 331)

I have emailed you materials to find out about the differential association theory of offending. You have a work sheet to complete for the first lesson back after Easter.


There are 11 topics you need to revise for the summer examination

Paper 1

  • Social Influence  (6 elements)
  • Memory  (6 elements)
  • Attachment  (6 elements)
  • Psychopathology  (5 elements)

Paper 2

  • Approaches  (6 elements)
  • Bio Psych  (6 elements)
  • Research methods  (6 elements)

Paper 3

  • Issues and Debates  (6 elements)
  • Relationships  (5 elements)
  • Schizophrenia  (6 elements)
  • Forensic psychology   (5 elements)

Additionally you will be assessed on scientific processes and data handling and analysis >>> see specification New AQA spec

Planning your time

You have 3 weeks off school for Easter. That is 21 days. Let’s assume you take the weekends off completely to rest and enjoy your family and friends 🙂  That leaves 15 days for revision. I will assume you are taking 3 ‘A’ levels, this means  5 days per subject for revision.

How are you going to use your 5 days to revise psychology?

Let’s assume to have a lay in every morning and you start revision at 10.30am.  I recommend working for one hour then taking a break.

10.30 -11.30am

12. 00 -1.00pm





This schedule would see you revising for 6 hours every day and resting in between revision sessions. You would get a lay in, and no work after 7.30 in the evening.

If you did this every day for 5 days for psychology you would achieve 30 hours of productive psychology revision.

30 hours/63 elements = .48 minutes per element

So, if you followed my schedule you would be able to revise every element (that is every bullet point on the specification) within one week. You would be able to spend approx. 48 minutes on each double page spread in the GHG and PHG book.


Remember delayed gratification?  If you discipline yourself NOW you will reap the rewards in the future – I promise 🙂



Maths support

Just to let you all know that Ms Robinson has kindly offered to support all 6.2 psychology students in a maths clinic  at 4:30pm every Monday.

She has the psychology maths specification (see below) If the maths is not your strength then I urge you to take up this offer of additional support.


Ms Alexander – Wb 19th March

Lesson 1 – We continued examining  Eysenck’s personality  theory >>>ppt Eysenk 1


Do take time to watch this fascinating you tube episode – they do the lemon experiment in the first few minutes of the show 🙂

For next lesson, please complete activity 12.8 (mini PHG pack)– this will encourage you to explain your evaluation points in more depth as you are required to explain why the evaluation points are limitations.

Lesson 2  – Once we’d done with Eysenck we could move into cognitive explanations for criminal behaviour. We explored the nature of moral reasoning. Do criminals operate at the pre-conventional level of morality?

Lesson 3  – Our focus moved to cognitive distortions – not dissimilar to the way people suffering from depression can perceive the world differently to non- depressed people, it may be that certain types of criminal s also perceive the world differently. See ppt >>cognitive-explanation-kohlberg

As is always the case please ensure you read your PHG and CC to fill in any gaps in your knowledge and to ensure you can adequately describe and evaluate the theories we have looked at in the Forensic Unit

Lesson 4  – We examined the psychodynamic explanation for offending. See ppt>> psychodynamic &  MD explanation


Check you have completed exercise 12.8 in the PHG mini pack

You have another T2U sheet to complete (Eysenck-psychodynamic)

You have 2x 4 mark questions to answer under timed conditions Timed Exam practice 

You have an apply it question to complete  – ‘comparing E and N scores in offenders & non-offenders’  (PHG page 331)




Ms Rose – Week Commencing 19.03.18

Lesson One (Ms Rose) – Cognitive Explanations of Schizophrenia.  Link to Spec 4.3.5

cognitive explanations

Here is the starter Maher Model – Teachers crib

Here is the powerpoint cognitive explanations

Here is a link to the Stroop task https://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/words.html#seffect

You then completed worksheet 8.9 in the PHG work pack


Due Monday 16.04.18

  • Complete the tutor2U worksheet summarizing the Psychological explanations for schizophrenia.
  • Make sure that you have completed all worksheets up to 8.9 in the PHG workpack.
  • Prepare for the schizophrenia end of unit test.

Stretch and Challenge


Lesson Two (Ms Rose) – AO3 Comparing the cognitive and Biological Explanations of Schizophrenia 

Link to Spec 4.3.5


Image result for easter bunny schizophrenia hallucination march hare alice

Here is the compare and contrast activity explanantions comparrision venm diagram

Here is the fact sheet on psychological vs cognitive explanations 47 abnormality models

Here is a summary of our discussions



As above – Due Monday 16.04.18

  • Complete the tutor2U worksheet summarizing the Psychological explanations for schizophrenia.
  • Make sure that you have completed all worksheets up to 8.9 in the PHG workpack.
  • Prepare for the schizophrenia end of unit test.

Ms Alexander WB 12th March 2018

 Lesson 1  – Can criminal behaviour be explained at a genetic level? PPt>>>>> 3 Genetic biological explanation 2017

Lesson 2  We finished off the genetic explanation for criminal activity.

Do remember we are basically trying to explain why some people are more aggressive than others. I suggest you look at the explanation for aggression in the PHG digital book p290-293. Also p296-297. Personally, I think the biological factors are better explained in the ‘aggression’ section of the text book.

Prep: For Friday, please complete the tutor2U biological explanation sheet. You will also need to hand in the measuring brain volume question set last week – see previous blog

Advance notice

We will be conducting an experiment and a correlation in the next couple of lessons. Here are some materials you will find useful. Please download and store them ready for use when you need them.

1-correlations-2018           Critical value tables 5% sig  

Dawkins on Statistical Tests       works out correlations for you

Lesson 3 – During this lesson you conducted 2 shortened versions of the Eysenck personality test. You marked each test, and then collated the groups scores in order to look at the concordance rate. You correlated the scores using a scatter graph. There was some correlation but it was not 100% – can you think of why this was?

Lesson 4  – We conducted the lemon test for introversion. >>>  explaining the lemon juice test


Please complete exercise 12.7 from your PHG worksheet mini pack (the sheet after the personality test.

Ms Rose – Week Commencing 12.03.18

Lesson One – Psychological explanations for Schizophrenia. – Double bind theory – Link to spec 4.3.5

family dysfunction

I will email you the tutor2u workpack 12.3 AQA Psych CC Psychological Explanation

Here is the powerpoint family dysfunction explanation

We completed worksheet 8.8 in your PHG workpack.


Due Wednesday 14.03.18

  • Read and check out the digital resources on p206-207 in your PHG textbooks
  • Complete the Double bind worksheet that you started in class

Stretch and Challenge

Have a look at this article on how schema theory can shape mental health. schema theory hemsley – stretch and challenge


Lesson Two (Ms Rose) – Family Dysfunction – Expressed Emotion – Link to spec 4.3.5

expressed emotion

Here is the powerpoint family dysfunction explanation

We completed worksheet 8.7 in your PHG work pack

We then looked at this introduction to the cognitive explanation Maher Model – Student worksheet


Due Monday 19th March

  • Read ahead – p206-207 cognitive explanations for Schizophrenia.

Ms Alexander wb 5th March 2018

 Lesson 1  – We continued to examine biological explanations for aggressive criminal behaviour. >>>2 biological structure & chemical explanation 2018

This topic is really straight forward – remember Sera’toe’nin = low and  ‘Dope’amin is high. This topic is easy to learn so ensure you have read the relevant information in the course companion and PHG.

Lesson 2  – We questioned whether there was such a thing as a criminal gene, and if there was how you would detect it. We considered twin and adoption studies.

Lesson 3 and 4  – missed as a consequence of International Women’s Day and the teacher interviews

Prep: Use your time to consolidate and read ahead in the PHG book

Please also complete these questions  for next Friday >>>>>>  Apply it q’s 

Ms Rose – Week Commencing 05.03.2018

Lesson One – Ms Rose – Application of biological treatments for Schizophrenia – Link to spec 4.3.5


Starter – we watched this early footage of treatments of mental disorders and gave 3 reasons why drug treatments were better than these.

You then completed this worksheet – 12.4 AQA Psych Topic Worksheet Drug Therapies Answers

You then had a go at applying your knowledge using this worksheet – plenary drug treatments


Due Wednesday 07.03.18

  • Ensure that you have completed your drugs packaging ahead of next lesson
  • Read p 208-209 in the PHG and complete the embedded activities.


Lesson Two – Ms Rose – Consolidation of Biological treatments and content analysis – Link to spec 4.3.5

Thank you for sharing your wonderful Anti psychotic drugs packaging.  I have left these at the back of the classroom so that you can pop in and make notes on examples of typical and atypical anti psychotics. Clozapine- drug package

We then looked at this content analysis activity – Tardive kinesia worksheet


Due Monday 12.03.18

  • Take time to make some notes on the various antipsychotics drugs packages that you made.
  • Read ahead – Psychological explanations for schizophrenia.