Ms Rose – Week Commencing 30.04.18

Lesson One – Schizophrenia End of Unit Assessment – Review


We looked at the June 2017 exam paper for prep last lesson.  We compared your answers against the mark scheme.  I then gave you our A* candidates answer which you compared against your own and looked for how you can embellish your own ideas.

Here is the plenary card sort therapies effectiveness card sort

If you did not hand in your prep today, I have given you an extension until Wednesday.  Thereafter, I will be issuing focus points  You have been warned!




Lesson one (Ms Rose) – Issues and debates – Gender bias


Key terms starter: you defined the following key terms and we discussed examples of the them.

  • Androcentrism
  • Alpha bias
  • Reflexivity
  • Gynocentrism
  • Universality
  • Sexism
  • Essentialism
  • Feminism
  • Beta bias

You drew around your bodies and labelled the differences between the two genders and the similarities. Here is the powerpoint gender bias

You then completed the PHG handout 4.1.

Here is the model answer 08.1a Essay Gender Bias with Comments

Gender Bias Psychology fact sheet.


  • Complete the gender bias psychology Fact Sheet #53 . Come and find me if you need a copy of this.

Revision – Explore further

Don’t forget these great tutor2u resources.



Ms Alexander WB 23rd April

 Lesson 1  – timed paper 3  – oh the joy 🙂

Holism and Reductionism, as well as Freewill and determinism both need to be further examined, so that YOU feel comfortable explaining them. See tutor2U video about Reductionism as a starting point for revision.

Holism <<< information sheet

Lesson 2 – Token Economy as it is used to modify the behaviour of inmates within a prison …power point >>> 1 token economy 2017  << do look at the power point and read about how it is used in prisons in your PHG. Do you think you would be able to describe HOW to implement a Token Economy Programme?

Key terms are: Primary and secondary reinforcement, increments, and behaviour modification linked to operant conditioning.

Prep: Complete one of the TEP worksheets you were given in class for next lesson.

Lesson 3 and 4  – Anger Management and Restorative Justice as ways of dealing with offenders, see the power point >>>  2 AM and RJ 2017         also see information about    Anger Managment – Ireland

For the ‘dealing with offenders’ section do read the PHG book and have a go at the ‘Apply it’ questions and the quizzes, also do read the Course Companion – remember there are some good evaluation issues in those packs.

Just because we have covered this topic last does not mean it won’t come up in the examination. Be prepared for every topic to be a 16 marker.

two weaker explanations of criminal behaviour i.e.  Maternal Deprivation and the Psychodynamic explanation.

When thinking about explanations for criminal behaviour it is wise to decide for yourself which are the best explanations. IMO, two weaker explanations of criminal behaviour are Maternal Deprivation and the Psychodynamic explanation. It is useful to have weaker explanations as this gives you something to contrast with in an essay. As you know creating an argument is key. This can be done by saying that there are ‘lots of possible psychological explanations for criminal behaviour but that some are more CREDIBLE than others’. You would then go on to describe a couple of reasonable  explanations – evaluate them, and then move on to a less credible one. Doing this will create a sense of judgement which in turns means you have created an argument 🙂

Prep: Complete the paper 3 trial for next Friday’s lesson …………You have a t2U Forensic sheet to complete too – the final one ever!!!!


All tutor2U videos for all topics  >>

Ms Rose – Week Commencing 23.04.18

Lesson One (Ms Rose) – Interactionalist approach

Link to spec 4.3.5

Image result for internationalist schizophrenia

You were given the tutor2u notes on the internationalist explanation – copyright – ask me for an e-version

Here is the power point interactionist explanation

Here is the interactionalist model interactionist discussion worksheet

You then completed worksheet 8.13

Plenary – tutor2u worksheet – copyright – ask me for an e-version


Due Tuesday 24.04.18 –

  • Prepare of end of unit assessment.

Stretch and Challenge –


Lesson two (Ms Rose) Consolidating Schizophrenia

Link to spec – 4.3.5

Image result for constellation schizophrenia

Here is the starter unit summary quiz – ppt quiz

We then created play dough sculptures to take part in a family sculpt / constellation to look at how this individual relates to their schizophrenia.

Here is the crossword revision key terms plenary – Pink haired girl – Handouts


Due Monday 30.04.18

  • Complete the Summer 2017 paper 3 schizophrenia paper – timed conditions if possible.  (I gave you a paper copy of this in class). BRING THIS WITH YOU ON MONDAY 30.04.18
  • Ensure that you have completed all of the worksheets in your Pink Haired Girl workpack – bring this with you along with your file on Monday so that I can check your files. 
  • Here are some revision materials that you may find useful

Ms Alexander WB 16th April 2018

Welcome back everyone – I hope you all managed to combine resting with revision over the Easter Holiday. We are on the home straight now – only 6 weeks of teaching left – I hope that feels exciting and liberating 🙂

I was really disappointed though, at how few of you were able to hand in all the prep that was to be completed over Easter. TBH most of it was due before we broke up for Easter! As I said in the lesson I NEED you to be organised. You can all read the blog. You know what was set, you know when it’s due. There are no acceptable excuses for not completing assignments. I should not need to issue focus points at this time in the year!

Lesson 1 and lesson 2

You spent the first half of the lesson sorting out prep- and being sternly spoken to! The internet wasn’t working properly either.

13B completed the Gary, Harry and Barry question Application AO2 . 13C yours is Due to be handed in this Friday.

You all completed the Sutherland gap fill activity – which we then checked as a class.

13C Started to consider the impact of custodial sentencing.

Lesson 3/4 – Custodial sentencing >>>dealing-with-offending-behaviour

Check you have read the material in the PHG – check you have done the quiz, answered an apply it question etc 🙂

PREP – read ahead about how we deal with offenders and revise for paper 3  

Next week there will be a paper 3 timed assessment which will last one hour.

13B on Monday    13C on Tuesday

My goal is to finish the Forensic unit next week – this will be easier if you have read ahead.

TO DO : Token Economy as method of behaviour management  is identical to the one used for treating patients with schizophrenia. Anger management does what it says on the tin. Restorative justice seems to be an excellent way of meeting the needs of the victim and the offender. I hope to be able to spend just one lesson on each treatment. 🙂

Group 13B need to hand in their Custodial sentencing essay by Friday

Ms Rose – Week Commencing 16.04.18

Lesson One (Ms Rose) – Psychological treatments for Schizophrenia – Link to Spec 4.3.5


Here is the Powerpoint psychological treatments

You completed worksheets 8.11 and 8.2


Due Monday 23.04.18

  • Complete worksheets 8.11 and 8.12 in your work pack.
  • Read and complete the activities on p 209-210 in your PHG digital textbook.
  • Revise for the Schizophrenia end of unit assessment.


Lesson Two (Ms Rose) – Psychological Treatments for Schizophrenia

Link to Spec 4.3.5


Here is the powerpoint token economy and family therapy treatment

You completed the Tutor2U worksheet – Psychological treatments for Schizophrenia  ( I can email this to you but cannot share it here due to copy right)

Discussion – Is schizophrenia a disorder mat all, or just the manifestation of a form of human suffering.   Here is the film clip


Due Monday 23.04.18

  • Complete tutor2U worksheets.
  • Have a read of the model 16 mark exam question – Psychological treatments for schizophrenia
  • Revise for the Schizophrenia end of unit assessment.