Ms Alexander WB 21st May 2018

have a nice day 1Well here we are the final week – you are all continuing to revise …….. it will be over soon enough ……. but for the time being just keep going.  I am genuinely so impressed with all of you. When I ask about your revision you all seem to be well organised and working in many different creative ways. This week I am allowing you to use my lessons for your own revision. I am here for support, direction, inspiration, advice and resources if you need anything. Do come and speak to me if you have any areas of confusion.

BTW…have you seen the Simply psych website? It has been revamped for the new Linear A level …see below the section on attachment 🙂

Are you using the tutor2U revision webinars? – they are easily available on you tube.

If there is anything else you have found that is really helping you, please let me know so that I can share it with other students.


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